Monday, December 9, 2013

Future Projects

It has come with heavy heart, that I have decided to leave Treasure Box Designs after being a part of their design team for over three years.  I've enjoyed doing TBD patterns and will continue to create with them. I will also be continuing paper piecing, as it is my passion and can't imagine not being creative. A difficult decision for me, but the right move for me at this time, to grow creatively.

My future projects will include designs from many different companies and I look forward to sharing them with all of you.


  1. I am sure you will be greatly missed at TBD. Hope that you will continue to create with the tear bears in fleece as they are the cutest ever. Am looking forward to seeing your new designs and creations. Good luck XOXOXO

  2. Just one question, you are going to keep your web site and let us see your work?

  3. I will continue to paper piece, just more of a variety. So, I will still be sharing my finished work on my blog, Facebook page, and Pinterest.


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